Selected Publications from Patterson and co-workers (see below for full publication list)

A Close Look at Molecular Self-Assembly with the Transmission Electron Microscope

Molecular self-assembly is pervasive in the formation of living and synthetic materials. Knowledge gained from research into the principles of molecular self-assembly drives innovation in the biological, chemical, and materials sciences. Self-assembly processes span a wide range of temporal and spatial domains and are often unintuitive and complex. Studying such complex processes requires an arsenal of analytical and computational tools. Within this arsenal, the transmission electron microscope stands out for its unique ability to visualize and quantify self-assembly structures and processes. This review describes the contribution that the transmission electron microscope has made to the field of molecular self-assembly. An emphasis is placed on which TEM methods are applicable to different structures and processes and how TEM can be used in combination with other experimental or computational methods. Finally, we provide an outlook on the current challenges to, and opportunities for, increasing the impact that the transmission electron microscope can have on molecular self-assembly.

Studying Reaction Mechanisms in Solution Using a Distributed Electron Microscopy Method

Electron microscopy (EM) of materials undergoing chemical reactions provides knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. However, the mechanisms are often complex and cannot be fully resolved using a single method. Here, we present a distributed electron microscopy method for studying complex reactions. The method combines information from multiple stages of the reaction and from multiple EM methods, including liquid phase EM (LP-EM), cryogenic EM (cryo-EM), and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). We demonstrate this method by studying the desilication mechanism of zeolite crystals. Collectively, our data reveal that the reaction proceeds via a two-step anisotropic etching process and that the defects in curved surfaces and between the subunits in the crystal control the desilication kinetics by directing mass transport.

Ring-opening polymerization-induced crystallization-driven self-assembly of poly-L-lactide-block-polyethylene glycol block copolymers (ROPI-CDSA)


The self-assembly of block copolymers into 1D, 2D and 3D nano- and microstructures is of great interest for a wide range of applications. A key challenge in this field is obtaining independent control over molecular structure and hierarchical structure in all dimensions using scalable one-pot chemistry. Here we report on the ring opening polymerization-induced crystallization-driven self-assembly (ROPI-CDSA) of poly-L-lactide-block-polyethylene glycol block copolymers into 1D, 2D and 3D nanostructures. A key feature of ROPI-CDSA is that the polymerization time is much shorter than the self-assembly relaxation time, resulting in a non-equilibrium self-assembly process. The self-assembly mechanism is analyzed by cryo-transmission electron microscopy, wide-angle x-ray scattering, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and turbidity studies. The analysis revealed that the self-assembly mechanism is dependent on both the polymer molecular structure and concentration. Knowledge of the self-assembly mechanism enabled the kinetic trapping of multiple hierarchical structures from a single block copolymer.

Observation of Liquid–Liquid-Phase Separation and Vesicle Spreading during Supported Bilayer Formation via Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

Liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy (LP-TEM) enables the real-time visualization of nanoscale dynamics in solution. This technique has been used to study the formation and transformation mechanisms of organic and inorganic nanomaterials. Here, we study the formation of block-copolymer-supported bilayers using LP-TEM. We observe two formation pathways that involve either liquid droplets or vesicles as intermediates toward supported bilayers. Quantitative image analysis methods are used to characterize vesicle spread rates and show the origin of defect formation in supported bilayers. Our results suggest that bilayer assembly methods that proceed via liquid droplet intermediates should be beneficial for forming pristine supported bilayers. Furthermore, supported bilayers inside the liquid cells may be used to image membrane interactions with proteins and nanoparticles in the future.

Direct Observation of Amorphous Precursor Phases in the Nucleation of Protein–Metal–Organic Frameworks


Protein–metal–organic frameworks (p-MOFs) are a prototypical example of how synthetic biological hybrid systems can be used to develop next-generation materials. Controlling p-MOF formation enables the design of hybrid materials with enhanced biological activity and high stability. However, such control is yet to be fully realized due to an insufficient understanding of the governing nucleation and growth mechanisms in p-MOF systems. The structural evolution of p-MOFs was probed by cryo-transmission electron microscopy, revealing nonclassical pathways via dissolution–recrystallization of highly hydrated amorphous particles and solid-state transformation of a protein-rich amorphous phase. On the basis of these data, we propose a general description of p-MOF crystallization which is best characterized by particle aggregation and colloidal theory for future synthetic strategies.

Full Publication list: For most up to date list and metrics see Google Scholar

88. Marathianos, A.; Magiakos, A.; Han, Y.; Sanchez, A.; Whitifeld, R.; Kammerer, J.; Anastasaki, A.; Wilson, P.; Patterson, J.P.; Kowolik, C, B.; Kiarou, E. Atomic-Scale Imaging of Polymers and Precision Molecular Weight Analysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, XXX, XXX−XXX.

87. Casas, A. M.; Idris, N. S.; W, V.; Patterson, J.P.; Ge, N.H. Scattering Elimination in 2D IR Immune from Detector Artifacts. J. Phys. Chem. B 2024, 128, 8835-8845.

86. Rizvi, A.; Favetta, B.; Jaber, N.; Lee, Y.; Jiang, J.; Idris, N. S.; Schuster, B. S.; Dai, W.; Patterson, J.P. Revealing Nanoscale Structure and Interfaces of Protein and Polymer Condensates via Cryo-Electron Microscopy. Nanoscale 2024, 16 (34), 16706-16717.

85. Gibson, W.; Mulvey, J. T.; Das, S.; Selmani, S.; Merham, J. G.; Rakowski, A. M.; Schwarts, Eric.; Hochbaum, A. I.; Guan, Z.; Green, J. R.; Patterson, J. P. Observing the Dynamics of an Electrochemically Driven Active Material with Liquid Electron Microscopy. ACS Nano 2024, 18 (18), 11898-11909.

84. Talosig, A. R.; Wang, F.; Mulvey, J. T.; Carpenter, B. P.; Olivas, E. M.; Katz,B. B.; Zhu, C.; Patterson, J. P. Understanding the Nucleation and Growth of ZIF-8 Polymorphs. Crystal Growth and Design. Cryst. Growth Des 2024, 24(10), 4130-4142.

83. Hurst, P. J.; Yoon, J.; Singh, R.; Abouchaleh, M. F.; Stewart, K. A.; Sumerlin, B. S.; Patterson, J. P. Hybrid Photoiniferter and Ring-Opening Polymerization Yields One-Pot Anisotropic Nanorods. Macromole. Rapid Commun 2024, 45(12), 2400100.

82. Rizvi, A.; Patterson, J.P. Liquid–liquid Phase Separation Induced Auto-Confinement. Soft Matter 2024, 20(9),1978-1982.

81. Hurst, P. J.; Gassaway, K. J.; Abouchaleh, M. F.; Idris, N. S.; Jones, C. R.; Dicksion, C. A.; Nowick, J. S.; Patterson, J. P. Drug Catalyzed Polymerization Yields One Pot Nanomedicines. RSC Applied Polymers 2024, 2(2) 238-247.

80. Hurst, P. J.; Mulvey, J. T.; Bone, R. A.; Selmani, S.; Hudson, R. F.; Guan, Z.; Green, J. R.; Patterson, J.P. CryoEM Reveals the Complex Self-assembly of a Chemically Driven Disulfide Hydrogel. Chem. Sci 2024, 15(3), 1106-1116.

79. Carpenter, B. P.; Rose, B.; Olivas, E. M.; Navarro, M. X.; Talosig, R. A.; Hurst, P.J.; Palma, G. D.; Xing, Li.; Guha, R.; Copp, S. M.; Patterson J. P. The Role of Protein Folding in Prenucleation Clusters on the Activity of Enzyme @Metal-Organic Frameworks. J. Mater. Chem. A 2024, 12(2), 813-823.

78. Dhaoui, R.; Cazarez, S. L.; Xing, Li.; Baghdadi, E.; Mulvey, J. T.; Idris, N. S.; Hurst, P. J.; Vena, M. P.; Palma, G. P.; Patterson, J.P. 3D Visualization of Proteins within Metal–Organic Frameworks via Ferritin-Enabled Electron Microscopy. Adv. Funct. Mater 2023, 34(13), 2312972.

77. P Kunnas, ND Jonge, JP Patterson. The Effect of Nanochannel Length on in situ Loading Times of Diffusion-Propelled Nanoparticles in Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy. Ultramicroscopy

76. DR Lustig, E Buz, JT Mulvey, JP Patterson, KR Kittilstved, JB Sambur. Characterizing the Ligand Shell Morphology of PEG-Coated ZnO Nanocrystals Using FRET Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

75. JT Mulvey, KP Iyer, T Ortega, JG Merham, Y Pivak, H Sun, AI Hochbaum, JP Patterson. Correlating Electrochemical Stimulus to Structural Change in Liquid Electron Microscopy Videos using the Structural Dissimilarity Metric. Ultramicroscopy

74. BP Carpenter, R Talosig, B Rose, GD Palma, JP Patterson. Understanding and Controlling the Nucleation and Growth of Metal–Organic Frameworks. Chemical Society Reviews

73. DR Lustig, ZN Nilsson, JT Mulvey, W Zang, X Pan, JP Patterson, and JB Sambur. Toward Imaging Defect-Mediated Energy Transfer between Single Nanocrystal Donors and Single Molecule Acceptors. Chem. Biomed. Imaging

72. D Barpuzary, PJ Hurst, JP Patterson, and Z Guan. Waste-Free Fully Electrically Fueled Dissipative Self-Assembly System. Journal of the American Chemical Society

71. KS Hopstock, BP Carpenter, JP Patterson, HA Al-Abadleh, and SA Nizkorodov. Formation of insoluble brown carbon through iron-catalyzed reaction of biomass burning organics. Environmental Science: Atmospheres

70. JC Hickey, PJ Hurst, JP Patterson, and Z Guan. Facile Synthesis of Multifunctional Bioreducible Polymers For mRNA Delivery. Chemistry A European Journal

69. GD Palma, S Geels, BP Carpenter, R Talosig, C Chen, F Marangoni, and JP Patterson. Cyclodextrin metal-organic framework-based protein biocomposites. Biomaterials Science. 2022

68. J Chen, A Rizvi, JP Patterson, and CJ Hawker. Discrete Libraries of Amphiphilic Poly(ethylene glycol) Graft Copolymers: Synthesis, Assembly, and Bioactivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022

67. BP Carpenter, R Talosig, JT Mulvey, JG Merhan, J Esquivel, B Rose, AF Ogata, DA Fishman, and JP Patterson.Role of Molecular Modification and Protein Folding in the Nucleation and Growth of Protein–Metal–Organic Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials. 2022

66. PJ Hurst, AA Graham, JP Patterson. Gaining Structural Control by Modification of Polymerization Rate in Ring-Opening Polymerization-Induced Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly. ACS Polymers. 2022

65. S Selmani, E Schwartz, JT Mulvey, H Wei, AG Dramen, W Gibson, AI Hochbaum, JP Patterson, R Ragan, and Z Guan. Electrically Fueled Active Supramolecular Materials. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022

64. A Rizvi, JT Mulvey, JP Patterson. Observation of Liquid–Liquid-Phase Separation and Vesicle Spreading during Supported Bilayer Formation via Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano Letters. 2021

63. PJ Hurst, MA Morris, AA Graham, JS Nowick, JP Patterson. Visualizing Teixobactin Supramolecular Assemblies and Cell Wall Damage in B. Subtilis Using Cryoem. ACS Omega. 2021

62. A Rizvi, JT Mulvey, BP Carpenter, R Talosig, JP Patterson. A Close Look at Molecular Self-Assembly with the Transmission Electron Microscope. Chemical Reviews. 2021

61. H Wu, T Li, SP Maddala, ZJ Khalil, RRM Joosten, B Mezari, EJM Hensen, G de With, H Friedrich, JA van Bokhoven, JP Patterson. Studying Reaction Mechanisms in Solution Using a Distributed Electron Microscopy Method. ACS Nano. 2021

60. W Gibson, JP Patterson. Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy Provides Opportunities in Polymer Synthesis and Manufacturing. Macromolecules. 2021

59. H Wu, H Su, RRM Joosten, ADA Keizer, LS van Hazendonk, MJM Wirix, JP Patterson, J Laven, G de With, H Friedrich. Mapping and Controlling Liquid Layer Thickness in Liquid‐Phase (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopy. Small Methods. 2021

58. A Ianiro, M MRM Hendrix, PJ Hurst, JP Patterson, M Vis, M Sztucki, A C C Esteves, R Tuinier. Solvent Selectivity Governs the Emergence of Temperature Responsiveness in Block Copolymer Self-Assembly. Macromolecules. 2021

57. MA Moradi, ED Eren, M Chiappini, S Rzadkiewicz, M Goudzwaard, MA Moradi, ED Eren, M Chiappini, S Rzadkiewicz, M Goudzwaard, MMJ. van Rijt, ADA Keizer, AF Routh, M Dijkstra, G de With, N Sommerdijk, H Friedrich, JP Patterson. Spontaneous organization of supracolloids into three-dimensional structured materials. Nature Materials, 1-7. 2021

56. MP Vena, D de Moor, A Ianiro, R Tuinier, JP Patterson. Kinetic state diagrams for a highly asymmetric block copolymer assembled in solution. Soft Matter 17, 1084-1090. 2021

55. AF Ogata, G Mirabello, AM Rakowski, JP Patterson. Revealing Nonclassical Nucleation Pathways Using Cryogenic Electron Microscopy. ACS Symposium Series. Vol. 1358, Chapter 7 pp 147-200. 2020

54. PJ Hurst, AM Rakowski, JP Patterson. Ring-opening polymerization-induced crystallization-driven self-assembly of poly-L-lactide-block-polyethylene glycol block copolymers (ROPI-CDSA). Nature Communications. 2020

53. U Mirsaidov, JP Patterson, H Zheng. Liquid phase transmission electron microscopy for imaging of nanoscale processes in solution. MRS Bulletin 45 (9), 704-712. 2020

52. A Rizvi, U Patel, A Laniro, PJ Hurst, JG Merham, JP Patterson. Nonionic Block Copolymer Coacervates. Macromolecules 2020

51. JT can Ommen, H Wu, H Sun, AF Beker, M Lemand, RG Spruit, SP Maddala, A Rakowski, H Friedrich, JP Patterson, HHP Garza. Liquid Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy with Flow and Temperature Control. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2020

50. H Wu, H Friedrichm, JP Patterson, NAJM Sommerdijk, N de Jonge. Liquid‐Phase Electron Microscopy for Soft Matter Science and Biology. Advance Materials. 2020

49. RN Carmean, MB Sims, CA Figg, PJ Hurst JP Patterson, BS Sumerlin. Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Hydrophobic Acrylic and Styrenic Polymers through Organic-Phase Photoiniferter-Mediated Polymerization. ACS Macro Lett. 2020

48.       PMG van Deursen, RI Koning, V Tudor, MA Moradi, JP Patterson, A Kros, NAJM Sommerdijk, AJ Koster, GF Schneider.  Graphene Liquid Cells Assembled through Loop‐Assisted Transfer Method and Located with Correlated Light‐Electron Microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020

47. AF Ogata, AM Rakowski, BP Carpenter, DA Fisherman, JG Merham, PJ Hurst, JP Patterson. Direct Observation of Amorphous Precursor Phases in the Nucleation of Protein-Metal-Organic-Frameworks. Journal of American Chemical Society. 2020

46. BH Su, L Mehdi, JP Patterson, NAJM Sommerdijk, ND Browing, H Friedrich. Growth Kinetics of Cobalt Nanoparticles Revealed by Liquid Phase STEM. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2019

45. MMJ van Rijt, A Ciaffoni, A Ianiro, MA Moradi, AL Boyle, A Kros, H Friedrich NAJM Sommerdijk, JP Patterson. Designing stable, hierarchical peptide fibers from block co-polypeptide sequences. Chemical Science 2019

44. YH Kim, G Leriche, K Diraviyam, T Koyanagi, K Gao, D Onofrei, JP Patterson, A Guha, N Gianneschi, GP Holland, MK Gilson, M Mayer, D Sept, J Yang. Entropic Effects Enable Life at Extreme Temperatures. Science Advances 2019, 5(5)

43. KR Fruhauf, T Kim, EL Nelson, JP Patterson SW Wang, KJ Shea. Metabolite Responsive Nanoparticle-Protein Complex. Biomacromolecules 2019

42. DB Wright, A Ramírez-Hernándex, MA Touve, AS Carlini, MP Thompson, JP Patterson, JJ de Pablo, NC Gianneschi. Enzyme Induced Kinetic Control of Peptide-Polymer Micelle Morphology. ACS Macro Lett 2019, 8:676-681.

41. A. Ianiro, Á. García, S. Wijker, JP Patterson. A. Esteves, R. Tuinier. Controlling the Spatial Distribution of Solubilized Compounds within Copolymer Micelles. Langmuir 2019, 35(13): 4776-4786.

40.       G Polido, X Shi, D Xu, C Guo, R Thai, JP Patterson, NC Gianneschi, TM Suchyna, F Sachs, GP Holland. Investigating the interaction of Grammostola rosea venom peptides and model lipid bilayers with solid-state NMR and electron microscopy techniques. Biochim Biophys Acta, Biomembr 2019, 1861(1): 151-160.

39.       T Li, H Wu, J Ihli, Z Ma, F Krumeich, PHH Bomans, NAJM Sommerdijk, H Friedrich, JP Patterson*, JA van Bokhoven*. Cryo-TEM and electron tomography reveal leaching-induced pore formation in ZSM-5 zeolite. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7(4): 1442-1446.

38.       A Ianiro, H Wu, MMJ van Rijt, MP Vena, ADA Keizer, ACC Esteves, R Tuinier, H Friedrich, N Sommerdijk*, JP Patterson*. Liquid-liquid phase separation during amphiphilic self-assembly. Nat Chem 2019.

37.       G Santagiuliana, OT Picot, M Crespo, H Porwal, H Zhang, Y Li, L Rubini, S Colonna, A Fina, E Barbieri, AB Spoelstra, G Mirabello, JP Patterson, L Botto, NM Pugno, T Peijs, E Bilotti. Breaking the Nanoparticle Loading-Dispersion Dichotomy in Polymer Nanocomposites with the Art of Croissant-Making. ACS Nano 2018, 12(9): 9040-9050.

36.       A Ianiro, J Patterson, Á González García, MMJ van Rijt, MMRM Hendrix, NAJM Sommerdijk, IK Voets, ACC Esteves, R Tuinier. A roadmap for poly(ethylene oxide)-block

35.       JP Patterson*, Y Xu, MA Moradi, N Sommerdijk*, H Friedrich*. CryoTEM as an Advanced Analytical Tool for Materials Chemists. Acc Chem Res 2017, 50(7): 1495-1501.

34.       LR Parent, CH Pham, JP Patterson, MS Denny, Jr., SM Cohen, NC Gianneschi, F Paesani. Pore Breathing of Metal-Organic Frameworks by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy. J Am Chem Soc 2017, 139(40): 13973-13976.

33.       LR Parent, E Bakalis, A Ramirez-Hernandez, JK Kammeyer, C Park, J de Pablo, F Zerbetto, JP Patterson, NC Gianneschi. Directly Observing Micelle Fusion and Growth in Solution by Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy. J Am Chem Soc 2017, 139(47): 17140-17151.

32.       G Leriche, JL Cifelli, KC Sibucao, JP Patterson, T Koyanagi, NC Gianneschi, J Yang. Characterization of drug encapsulation and retention in archaea-inspired tetraether liposomes. Org Biomol Chem 2017, 15(10): 2157-2162.

31.       DB Wright, JP Patterson, NC Gianneschi, C Chassenieux, O Colombani, RK O'Reilly. Blending block copolymer micelles in solution; Obstacles of blending. Polym Chem 2016, 7(8): 1577-1583.

30.       LM Randolph, CLM LeGuyader, ME Hahn, CM Andolina, JP Patterson, RF Mattrey, JE Millstone, M Botta, M Scadeng, NC Gianneschi. Polymeric Gd-DOTA amphiphiles form spherical and fibril-shaped nanoparticle MRI contrast agents. Chem Sci 2016, 7(7): 4230-4236.

29.       MT Proetto, CR Anderton, D Hu, CJ Szymanski, Z Zhu, JP Patterson, JK Kammeyer, LG Nilewski, AM Rush, NC Bell, JE Evans, G Orr, SB Howell, NC Gianneschi. Cellular Delivery of Nanoparticles Revealed with Combined Optical and Isotopic Nanoscopy. ACS Nano 2016, 10(4): 4046-4054.

28.       JP Patterson, LR Parent, J Cantlon, H Eickhoff, G Bared, JE Evans, NC Gianneschi. Picoliter Drop-On-Demand Dispensing for Multiplex Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microsc Microanal 2016, 22(3): 507-514.

27.       JP Patterson*, DB Collins, JM Michaud, JL Axson, CM Sultana, T Moser, AC Dommer, J Conner, VH Grassian, MD Stokes, GB Deane, JE Evans, MD Burkart, KA Prather, NC Gianneschi. Sea Spray Aerosol Structure and Composition Using Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy. ACS Cent Sci 2016, 2(1): 40-47.

26.       Y Li, Y Huang, Z Wang, F Carniato, Y Xie, JP Patterson, MP Thompson, CM Andolina, TB Ditri, JE Millstone, JS Figueroa, JD Rinehart, M Scadeng, M Botta, NC Gianneschi. Polycatechol Nanoparticle MRI Contrast Agents. Small 2016, 12(5): 668-677.

25.       ME Johnson, J Shon, BM Guan, JP Patterson, NJ Oldenhuis, AC Eldredge, NC Gianneschi, Z Guan. Fluorocarbon Modified Low-Molecular-Weight Polyethylenimine for siRNA Delivery. Bioconjug Chem 2016, 27(8): 1784-1788.

24.       DB Wright, JP Patterson, A Pitto-Barry, A Lu, N Kirby, NC Gianneschi, C Chassenieux, O Colombani, RK O'Reilly. The Copolymer Blending Method: A New Approach for Targeted Assembly of Micellar Nanoparticles. Macromolecules 2015, 48(18): 6516-6522.

23.       DB Wright, JP Patterson, A Pitto-Barry, P Cotanda, C Chassenieux, O Colombani, RK O'Reilly. Tuning the aggregation behavior of pH-responsive micelles by copolymerization. Polym Chem 2015, 6(14): 2761-2768.

22.       MW van de Put, JP Patterson, PH Bomans, NR Wilson, H Friedrich, RA van Benthem, G de With, RK O'Reilly, NA Sommerdijk. Graphene oxide single sheets as substrates for high resolution cryoTEM. Soft Matter 2015, 11(7): 1265-1270.

21.       JP Patterson, MT Proetto, NC Gianneschi. Soft nanomaterials analysed by in situ liquid TEM: Towards high resolution characterisation of nanoparticles in motion. Perspectives in Science 2015, 6: 106-112.

20.       JP Patterson, P Abellan, MS Denny, Jr., C Park, ND Browning, SM Cohen, JE Evans, NC Gianneschi. Observing the growth of metal-organic frameworks by in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy. J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(23): 7322-7328.

19.       SA Barnhill, NC Bell, JP Patterson, DP Olds, NC Gianneschi. Phase Diagrams of Polynorbornene Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solution. Macromolecules 2015, 48(4): 1152-1161.

18.       MT Proetto, AM Rush, MP Chien, P Abellan Baeza, JP Patterson, MP Thompson, NH Olson, CE Moore, AL Rheingold, C Andolina, J Millstone, SB Howell, ND Browning, JE Evans, NC Gianneschi. Dynamics of soft nanomaterials captured by transmission electron microscopy in liquid water. J Am Chem Soc 2014, 136(4): 1162-1165.

17.       DJ Phillips, JP Patterson, RK O'Reilly, MI Gibson. Glutathione-triggered disassembly of isothermally responsive polymer nanoparticles obtained by nanoprecipitation of hydrophilic polymers. Polym Chem 2014, 5(1): 126-131.

16.       JP Patterson, MP Robin, C Chassenieux, O Colombani, RK O'Reilly. The analysis of solution self-assembled polymeric nanomaterials. Chem Soc Rev 2014, 43(8): 2412-2425.

15.       CF Hansell, A Lu, JP Patterson, RK O'Reilly. Exploiting the tetrazine-norbornene reaction for single polymer chain collapse. Nanoscale 2014, 6(8): 4102-4107.

14.       N Petzetakis, MP Robin, JP Patterson, EG Kelley, P Cotanda, PH Bomans, NA Sommerdijk, AP Dove, TH Epps, 3rd, RK O'Reilly. Hollow block copolymer nanoparticles through a spontaneous one-step structural reorganization. ACS Nano 2013, 7(2): 1120-1128.

13.       JP Patterson, EG Kelley, RP Murphy, AO Moughton, M Robin, A Lu, O Colombani, C Chassenieux, D Cheung, MO Sullivan, TH Epps, 3rd, RK O'Reilly. Structural characterization of amphiphilic homopolymer micelles using light scattering, SANS, and cryo-TEM. Macromolecules 2013, 46(15): 6319-6325.

12.       JP Patterson, P Cotanda, EG Kelley, AO Moughton, A Lu, TH Epps, 3rd, RK O'Reilly. Catalytic Y-tailed amphiphilic homopolymers - aqueous nanoreactors for high activity, low loading SCS pincer catalysts. Polym Chem 2013, 4(6): 2033-2039.

8.         JP Patterson, AM Sanchez, N Petzetakis, TP Smart, TH Epps, 3rd, I Portman, NR Wilson, RK O'Reilly. A simple approach to characterizing block copolymer assemblies: graphene oxide supports for high contrast multi-technique imaging. Soft Matter 2012, 8(12): 3322-3328.

11.       SE Mastroianni, JP Patterson, RK O'Reilly, TH Epps. Poly(methyl methacrylate-block-vinyl-m-triphenylamine): synthesis by RAFT polymerization and melt-state self-assembly. Soft Matter 2013, 9(42): 10146-10154.

10.       BW Greenland, MB Bird, S Burattini, R Cramer, RK O'Reilly, JP Patterson, W Hayes, CJ Cardin, HM Colquhoun. Mutual binding of polymer end-groups by complementary pi-pi-stacking: a molecular "Roman Handshake". Chem Commun (Camb) 2013, 49(5): 454-456.

9.         MA Dyson, AM Sanchez, JP Patterson, RK O'Reilly, J Sloan, NR Wilson. A new approach to high resolution, high contrast electron microscopy of macromolecular block copolymer assemblies. Soft Matter 2013, 9(14): 3741-3749.

7.         R McHale, JP Patterson, PB Zetterlund, RK O'Reilly. Biomimetic radical polymerization via cooperative assembly of segregating templates. Nat Chem 2012, 4(6): 491-497.

6.         TO McDonald, P Martin, JP Patterson, D Smith, M Giardiello, M Marcello, V See, RK O'Reilly, A Owen, S Rannard. Multicomponent Organic Nanoparticles for Fluorescence Studies in Biological Systems. Adv Funct Mater 2012, 22(12): 2469-2478.

5.         A Lu, P Cotanda, JP Patterson, DA Longbottom, RK O'Reilly. Aldol reactions catalyzed by L-proline functionalized polymeric nanoreactors in water. Chem Commun (Camb) 2012, 48(78): 9699-9701.

4.         P Cotanda, A Lu, JP Patterson, N Petzetakis, RK O'Reilly. Functionalized Organocatalytic Nanoreactors: Hydrophobic Pockets for Acylation Reactions in Water. Macromolecules 2012, 45(5): 2377-2384.

3.         PE Williams, AO Moughton, JP Patterson, S Khodabakhsh, RK O'Reilly. Exploring RAFT polymerization for the synthesis of bipolar diblock copolymers and their supramolecular self-assembly. Polym Chem 2011, 2(3): 720-729.

2.         AO Moughton, JP Patterson, RK O'Reilly. Reversible morphological switching of nanostructures in solution. Chem Commun (Camb) 2011, 47(1): 355-357.

1.         J Du, H Willcock, JP Patterson, I Portman, RK O'Reilly. Self-assembly of hydrophilic homopolymers: a matter of RAFT end groups. Small 2011, 7(14): 2070-2080.